Top 7 Most Underrated Quotes from Chain of Gold
By: Clockworkprincess (edited by: Catnip)
Cover art by: Rue Herondale Jackson Vacker
The year was 1903, right around the time the Victorian era tips over into the Edwardian era. In the throes of bitter and harsh winter emerges a story of love, exhilaration, and torture as the children of the famous Herondales, Lightwoods, Fairchilds, Carstairs and Blackthorns are pitted against each other. Chain of Gold is the first novel of The Last Hours book series. It is a tale about the lives of our dearest characters from The Infernal Devices. The gang has suffered enough in their past and now, it is time for their children to fight their wars and either lose their loves, or their lives.
Now that the wait for the most gripping book of this series, Chain of Iron, is almost coming to an end, it’s time to refresh your memories with the top 7 most underrated quotes from Chain of Gold.
1.“We suffer because love is worth it”
Indeed. When young James Herondale inquired if love was supposed to hurt, this was the most well-framed and purest answer Will Herondale could have given to his son. As someone who himself had endured agony over the temporary loss of love in his life, he tells us in clear words, that unlike lies meant to comfort children, love is supposed to hurt. However, if you love someone truly, that pain, the sting in your heart becomes bearable as long as you have faith in yourself and your partner.
2. "I want to be a merciful hero."
This statement was said by Cordelia Carstairs when she was questioned about her inclination towards the Carstairs family sword—Cortana. When asked why she thought she deserved it, she replies that she wants to become a hero albeit a merciful one. It is quite a rare combination to possess the qualities of being ruthless as heroes are sometimes compelled to be, and yet compassionate at the same instance. She wants to be a hero who slays her enemies and yet has the humane trait to be forgiving. As we proceed with the series, I am quite sure we’ll see the impact of such a decision.
3. “I am his sister. I do not appreciate being overlooked.”
Lucie Herondale is the much under-appreciated sister of James. She is always referred to as the writer of the family; however few can recognize the fierce determination she possesses, as well as the love and possessiveness of her character. Often, the demons sent by her grandfather seems to ignore her presence, but she values herself and wishes to be recognized as well. Her talent for being snappish at times is no doubt the Herondale in her blood.
4. “Men are not beautiful. Men are handsome,”
A pre-established notion, it has always been a ritual to call women beautiful, while men are “supposed” to be handsome. While that may be true in most cases, it is not a compulsion to refer to men as beautiful or pretty either. When complemented by a harried Cordelia Carstairs on the ball floor, Matthew Fairchild objects to the notion of men being anything but handsome. Matthew had an illusionistic beauty, which was perceived and pointed out by Cordelia. Perhaps this was the first time they both might have paid attention to each other and perhaps this was when Matthew saw her as she was; not his rival’s sister, but as a true Shadowhunter, capable of compassion.
5. “The most interesting women are always the most whispered about.”
As someone who has always been a matter of discussion in the Shadow World, Tessa generously, yet with a hint of savageness, re-assures her to-be daughter-in-law that others' opinions should hold no power over us. There will always be someone who will be waiting in the wings, ready to discredit you at the very first blunder you commit. The trick is to be able to pay scarce heed to such rumours and move forward with your head held high. So long as you know the truth, you are pure.
6. “Do not be sorry, Lucie. You brought light into my lightless world, and for that I am grateful.”
Jesse Blackthorn. He is, perhaps, one of the most entertaining yet mysterious characters of the Edwardian Era. With a pale face and pretty green eyes, he is our resident ghost, aiding the Herondales despite his mother’s aversions towards the family. Jesse has crossed all limits while helping his “friend”, Lucie Herondale. He gives up his last breath and the last hope of his survival to save Lucie’s brother, James. Like every cliché hero, Jesse tells Lucie not to mourn the fact that he is truly dead now. He was, on the contrary, grateful to be able to save someone’s life instead of wasting his half-life for something he could never have: the chance to live and love instead of merely surviving. Well, it may be a banal comfort now, but let’s see where the tides take us when it comes to Jesse and Lucie.
7. “My mother made me her blade, to cut every barrier raised against her.”
Grace Blackthorn, just like her brother Jesse, is extremely mysterious, though she, unlike him, is malicious too. Judging by how much destruction she has caused, she is indeed a blade sharpened to the tip. As the rays of hope finally begin to shine for Cordelia, as she prepares herself to read alongside her love, the fiery tale of unrequited love, Grace is busy trapping the lover boy into her icy and frigid cage of steel and false love. She may be a traumatized soul, but she is a cunning one at that.
“We who are immortal, we are chained to this life by a chain of gold, and we dare not sever it for fear of what lies beyond the drop.”
—Clockwork Prince.