Angels and Demons
By: The Unseelie King (edite by: Bookperson876)
Angels and demons are an important part of the Shadow World and in this article, I'm going to
share information about demons and angels that were, in my opinion, important for the Shadow
World timeline, and what it would look like without them.
Raziel is an archangel within the heavenly hierarchy. In Jewish mystical traditions, he is often called the Keeper of Secrets and the Angel of Mysteries.
Shortly after 1000 AD, Raziel was summoned by a mortal named Jonathan Shadowhunter at Lake
Lyn who asked for his help to save mankind from the scourge of demons traveling past the world's wards in an event referred to as the Incursion. Jonathan prayed to Raziel to save humanity by mixing his blood with the blood of mortals in a Cup and create a race of warriors who would rid the world of demon-kind. Raziel upon seeing that Jonathan's wish and vision for his world was pure and true, Raziel granted his prayer but told him that he would not involve himself with them any further. He gave Jonathan the Mortal Instruments and mixed his blood with Jonathan's blood in the Mortal Cup to use for the creation of a new race of demon-fighters.
Jonathan became the first of the Nephilim after drinking from the cup. All Shadowhunters have
Raziel's blood in their veins from this. Raziel gave Jonathan the fitting name 'Shadowhunter' as a
symbol of his transformation and allowed him to use the Mortal Cup to create more Nephilim to help him with his mission. Raziel also gave him the Book of the Covenant in which he inscribed Marks for their kind to use.
In 2007, Raziel was summoned by Valentine to create a new race of Shadowhunters to whom he would dedicate to the destruction of both Downworlders and demons. However, Valentine wasn't aware that Clary had secretly modified one of the runes in the protection circle in order to change Valentine's name to hers. As a result, Valentine no longer had the power to compel Raziel to fulfill his wish and was given no protection from Raziel's wrath for being summoned to Earth.
During Raziel and Valentine's conversation, Raziel made it clear that he did not agree with Valentine since he could see that Valentine only cared for his glory and he did not care about protecting the world. For his actions in the past Valentine including torturing angel Ithuriel, Raziel
shot Valentine in his chest with a flaming arrow. Raziel was obliged to carry out one wish for Clary as part of the conditions of the summoning and she requested that Jace be brought back to life.
Months later, Raziel was summoned again by Simon who asked him for his help in finding a way to break the bond between Sebastian and Jace. Raziel, who was furious for being summoned again intended to kill Simon but as soon as he saw he had the Mark of Cain on him, he became even more outraged because the Mark was supposed to be placed only by God on man.
However, they agreed on a compromise in which Raziel would rip the mark from Simon and wouldn't kill him afterwards and in exchange for looking after the sought after weapon, he loaned Simon the sword of Michael 'Glorious'.
Ithuriel is the Angel of Sacrifice who was imprisoned by both John Thaddeus Shade and Valentine Morgenstern.
Imprisonment by John Shade:
Somehow, around the time of the Crusades, a part of Ithuriel's soul was trapped by John Shade through a spell and contained inside the clockwork angel, which he intended to give to his wife, Anne. His adopted son, Axel Mortmain, spent years finishing the pendant. He tuned it to Tessa Gray's life. The angel, connected to Tessa, was designed to protect her and save her from death. He made sure that Tessa, as a Shadowhunter and demon hybrid, was born alive instead of stillborn. Some time after Elizabeth's death, Nate gave the seemingly defective clockwork pendant to Tessa, who has since worn it as a necklace. The necklace has saved Tessa from several near-death experiences.
When Tessa decided that she did not want the necklace protecting her because Mortmain willed it, Tessa tried to destroy it in a fire. While the clockwork remained unharmed, Ithuriel was summoned and spoke to her. Ithuriel told her that he never blamed her for his imprisonment. During the final battle, Tessa Changed into Ithuriel to protect her loved ones and to kill Mortmain. Changing into him momentarily enveloped Tessa in the angel's heavenly fire, nearly killing her. Ithuriel was then freed.
Imprisoned by Valentine:
More than a hundred years after he was released from the necklace, Ithuriel was summoned by Valentine and trapped in the cellar of Wayland Manor in Idris. Valentine tortured him for information about the Mortal Mirror, but Ithuriel remained silent.
Valentine took blood from him and administered it to an unknowing Céline Herondale through food and drinks while she was pregnant with Jace Herondale. This experiment ultimately gave Jace abilities that surpassed those of common Shadowhunters. He also gave it to Jocelyn the same way in order to cure her of her depression. However, Valentine was unaware that Jocelyn was also pregnant with Clary, which led to her being gifted with the ability to create runes known only to angels, through images and visions of them he Ithuriel sent her, as well as the ability to amplify the power of all the existing Marks she makes.
Ithuriel remained imprisoned in this cellar for years. He began to send prophetic dreams to Clary Fray, in hopes that by giving her answers, she could help stop Valentine. The dreams included warning her of the fact that Simon Lewis would be turned into a vampire, about angels falling from Heaven, and showing her what Idris looked like so she would have a mental picture in which to create a Portal.
Death on Earth:
While in Idris, Clary and Jace were exploring Wayland Manor in search of the Book of the White. When they found it, they heard Ithuriel making noises in the cellar and found him bound in a circle of runes. Ithuriel showed them visions of Valentine's history. He also gave Clary a vision of the Alliance rune. Clary then changed the runes in the circle in which Ithuriel was bound. Realizing that there was no hope to cure him, Jace named his seraph blade Ithuriel and gave it to the angel, enabling him to kill himself, finally ending his torment on Earth and return to Heaven. Since Wayland Manor was tied to his life force, it began to crumble when he died.
Once he returned, he told the Angel Raziel of Valentine's cruel deeds. It was also through an image of a rune that Ithuriel had previously given Clary that she was able to contain heavenly fire in Heosphoros and finally defeat Sebastian Morgenstern.
Lilith is a Greater Demon who is credited as the "mother of all warlocks" and the "first of all demons." Lilith is known by many names, including Lady of Edom, Ita, Kali, Batna, Talto, Satrina, Abito, Amizo, Izorpo, Kokos, Odam, Podo, Eilo, Patrota, Abeko, Kea, and Partash.
She was originally created out of the Earth as a wife for Adam; however, she would not obey him or God, and so she was cast out of the Garden of Eden and was replaced by Eve. According to Jewish folklore, from which most of her folklore is sourced, Lilith was punished for her disobedience by being made unable to bear children, or at least, she was only capable of gestating infants who then died upon their birth. Lilith is further associated with the harming and weakening of human babies.
Shortly afterwards, she entered into a relationship with the Fallen Angel Sammael, and their relationship corrupted her into the first demon to have been originally human. Sammael and Lilith later traversed the Earth, siring demons in the lands they visited, and promoting the creation of warlocks, witches, and faeries. Eventually, she and her lover created one demon too many, and Heaven, recognizing the danger that the growing demon horde posed to a still young humanity, declared war on all of demon-kind and drove them from the Earth and into the Void.
To ensure that demons could not simply return things to the status quo antebellum upon the withdrawal of Heaven's forces from the Earth, the angels altered the Earth to make it hostile to a demon's very presence on it, and strengthened the barriers between the Earth and the Void. Should even a powerful demon such as Sammael or Lilith manage to force a return to the Earth, they could only remain for hours at most before they withered away and their essence was pulled back into the Void.
This state of affairs wasn't to last however, as Sammael and Lilith devised a means by which to counter the effects of Heaven's alteration of the Earth and it's increased barriers between the Void and the Earth. In a ritual around the year 1000 AD, Sammael and Lilith drastically weakened the Veil between the dimensions, greatly strengthening all of demonkind's immunity to the Earth's environment. Once more would Lilith and Sammael's brood be able to walk the Earth in great numbers. A hundred years later though, Raziel created the Nephilim to combat the rising darkness.
London, Victorian era:
Lilith was in a sexual relationship with Benedict Lightwood, contributing to his contraction of demon pox. She was seen with Benedict at his own party in the Lightwood mansion, where Tessa Gray described her as a demon woman with snakes for eyes.
Partnership with Valentine:
Some time in the 1990s, Lilith was summoned by the young and ambitious Shadowhunter, Valentine Morgenstern. Lilith agreed to give Valentine her blood for his experiments, and Lilith took an interest in the unborn child Valentine had been giving her blood to via his biological mother, knowing he would be a powerful being - according to her, even more powerful than all the Greater Demons, and more mighty than the Asmodei. Lilith has since kept tabs on Sebastian, whom she sees as her own son and herself as his true mother.
New York, 2007:
In Alicante, Clary Fairchild and Jace Herondale have a shared vision from the Angel Ithuriel of Lilith giving Valentine her blood and telling her the adverse effects her blood would have on his and Jocelyn's son. During the battle of Brocelind Plain, Lilith went through the Portal Valentine opened into Idris out of curiosity. Worried about "her son", Lilith rushed over to his body and took him with her, knowing that she could find a way to bring him back as Jace's revival could pave the way for Sebastian's revival, to restore the balance between Light and Dark.
Jace, having been reborn, lacked the protective charms that Shadowhunters are typically given at birth which ward off evil influences of the mind. Taking advantage of this oversight, Lilith began sending Jace dreams that troubled him greatly, such as dreams of him killing his girlfriend Clary. It was Lilith gave Jace the dream that would change everything—she showed him his late adoptive brother, Max Lightwood, who told Jace that he was sent from Heaven to help him. Lilith, through the vision of Max, instructed Jace to cut himself with a knife to bleed him of the evil, and then used his blood to Mark him with a rune that unwittingly bound him to Sebastian's will.
Around the same time, Lilith sent men to bring her the Daylighter, Simon Lewis, but all of the men but one were killed as a result of trying to harm Simon while he bore the Mark of Cain. The last man returned to Lilith and informed her of the holy fire and God's wrath that had killed his accomplices. Knowing that she might have to take Simon herself, she went to him under the guise of band promoter Satrina Kendall. It was then that she saw what had been protecting him from her men—the Mark of Cain on his forehead.
Fearing retribution, Lilith realizing that she couldn't compel him to do what she wanted on her own, abducted Maureen Brown and had Camille Belcourt kill her to turn her into a vampire. She then revealed that she was the one to kill the demon babies.
Lilith then demanded that Simon revive Sebastian by feeding him his blood. Since the other Shadowhunters tracked Simon to her lair, Lilith confronted them in battle and proved too powerful. Simon saw that Lilith was about to whip Clary and reflexively jumped between them to protect Clary. As the whip struck him, the Mark of Cain then took effect and destroyed Lilith's earthly form by "sevenfold", and her essence was scattered between worlds. She was ultimately successful though, as Jace became reconnected to Sebastian after his rune healed.
Lilith was eventually summoned back to Earth by Sebastian, thus helping her reform faster, though not completely. She was still too weak and was only able to manage to provide her blood for the Infernal Cup, in order for Sebastian to create an army of Dark Shadowhunters. She allowed Sebastian to take refuge in her realm, Edom. When Sebastian died and the army was destroyed in the Dark War, she wept for her blood "children", and her howls were heard throughout Edom.
Asmodeus is a Greater Demon, a Prince of Hell and a fallen angel. He is also the father of the warlock Magnus Bane who, because of Asmodeus' influence and power, is often let of by other demons. Asmodeus was one of Lucifer's followers who fell with him in his uprising against Heaven. They were banished to Hell, where Asmodeus soon became the ruler of his and Lilith's own realm, Edom. During the sixteenth century, a seeress prophesized that his addiction to taking human memories and emotions would be his undoing, though he was never troubled by this, unbothered by human superstition.
Asmodeus supposedly has many children: he has demon children in Edom called asmodei, as well as warlock offspring on Earth. Magnus Bane is a notable offspring of his, through a woman whom he tricked into believing he was her husband. In the early 1600's, Asmodeus paid a visit to a young Magnus as he was being drowned by his stepfather in Indonesia. Asmodeus whispered a spell to Magnus which enabled him to save himself from drowning by becoming a column of fire, burning his stepfather to death in the process.
Asmodeus once again appeared to Magnus approximately two centuries later, summoned unintentionally by the actions and worship of the Crimson Hand, a mock cult started by Magnus that did good deeds in Asmodeus's name. Pleased, he then took over control of the cult and removed Magnus's memories of his summoning.
In 2007, during an attempt by the Crimson Hand's new leader Shinyun Jung to sacrifice Magnus to his father, Asmodeus was summoned once again to Earth by the collective wishes of his assembled followers. He attempted to convince Magnus to kill Shinyun and sacrifice her, thereby reclaiming the Crimson Hand for himself and allowing Asmodeus to cross over fully into the world. Magnus was saved by the Shadowhunter Alec Lightwood and the two used their combined strength to break the ritual pentagram and banish Asmodeus, who made a last attempt to claim his son by pulling him into an abyss but failed.
The Dark War:
Lilith's "son", Sebastian Morgenstern, used Edom as his and his army's base and retreat as it is undetectable by the Nephilim. Sebastian's followers acknowledged their power and often dedicated their massacres, presenting the souls or their captures as sacrifices, to Asmodeus and Lilith, the rulers of Edom.
When Sebastian sent his kidnapped Downworlder representatives to his realm, Asmodeus gained control over Magnus' magic and will. With this, Asmodeus weakened Magnus in hopes of making him call on him for help, an urge which Magnus fought.
Before his death, Sebastian destroyed the pathways between Edom and the Shadowhunters' dimension. Desperate, Magnus called upon his father using an inverted version of the Lord's Prayer for his friends to ask him to send them back to their dimension. After some small talk, he demonstrated his power by transporting Luke, Jocelyn, and Jonathan's body back to Alicante. Knowing what Asmodeus wanted, Magnus offered to trade his immortality for the safe return of his friends. However, Simon Lewis offered to give his own immortality instead of Magnus'. Pleased to receive his Daylighter power and his immortality, Asmodeus gladly accepted and restored him to the life of a mundane without his memories of the Shadow World.
Marbas is a Greater Demon who was trapped in a Pyxis by Edmund Herondale.
When the Shadowhunter Edmund Herondale was fourteen years old at around 1849, Marbas was defeated by the Shadowhunter and trapped in a Pyxis. Marbas spent nearly twenty years in the Pyxis until Edmund's son, Will, accidentally released him. Will's sister Ella fought him, and Marbas stung her with his poison, killing her hours later. Before Marbas left, he told Will that he had cursed him so that everyone who loves him would die.
Years later, Marbas went to Benedict Lightwood's ball and was attacked by Will. He wounded Will and escaped, leaving behind a tooth in Will's wound. With this, Magnus Bane summoned him and asked him to remove Will's curse. Marbas then revealed that he was in fact unable to cast the curse, as he had been at his weakest.
Now that you have read about the demons and angels mentioned above, I would like to talk about what could have happened if each of them hadn't been part of the story.
Raziel - If Raziel wouldn't have been summoned by Jonathan Shadowhunter the world would have probably got ruined by the demons that were invading it.
If in 2007 Raziel wouldn't have been summoned by Valentine, Valentine would still have had control of the demons because he still had the Mortal Cup and the Mortal Sword. We don't know for sure if the Shadowhunters and Downworlders would have won and how many would have died. It is also unknown if they would have found a way to stop him.
If Raziel wouldn't have been summoned by Simon there were probably no way to break the bond between Jace and Sebastian and Sebastian would have won.
Ithuriel - If a part of Ithuriel wasn't captured by John Shade and put into the clockwork angel there would be no way to know if John would have caught another angel or if he would have even completed the clockwork angel. If he did complete the clockwork angel without the angel soul there's no way to know if it would have still gotten to Tessa. Without the Ithuriel soul in it, Tessa would have been dead since it saved her multiple times.
If Ithuriel hadn't have been captured by Valentine, then again there's no way to know if he didn't wouldn't have found a different angel to capture and without him Clary and Jace wouldn't have gotten their special abilities; though we do need to remember that without the extra angel blood in Clary and Jace, Valentine wouldn't have killed Jace's parents and take him from them. In that case we have no way to know if they would have met or if Jace would have met Alec and Isabelle and become parabatai with Alec.
Lilith - If Lilith hadn't have created the demons that means they wouldn't have existed probably and that means the Shadowhunters wouldn't have existed as well, as wouldn't the warlocks, vampires, werewolves and faeries. We can't know how the Shadow World would have look liked without them as there would be no Shadow World at all probably. If Valentine hadn't been there, he wouldn't have used her blood to make Sebastian the way he was. Sebastian would have thought he was a monster and Jocelyn wouldn't have thought of him as a monster, but we don't know how it would have affected the Shadowhunter Chronicles. Sebastian wouldn't have used Lilith's blood to complete the Infernal Cup to create the Endarkened. He might have used a different demon to do it but no one can know if he would have. If it weren't for Lilith bringing him back to life he wouldn't have done it the first place and Jace would have been bonded with him.
Asmodeus - If Asmodeus hadn't given children, Magnus wouldn't have existed. If he didn't give the spell to Magnus that had saved him from drowning by his stepfather, Magnus would have died, and both of those things could have affected on the Shadow World more than we think.
If in Edom Asmodeus hadn't been summoned that means that Clary, Jace, Alec, Isabelle, Simon, Magnus, Luke and Jocelyn would have died there. Even if he asked for a price for saving them he still saved them in some way.
Marbas - If Marbas hadn't been caught by Edmund Herondale he would probably would still be free or he could have been slain by another Shadowhunter. If Marbas wouldn't have been caught by him though, it means that Will wouldn't have released him from the Pyxis. His older sister Ella wouldn't have died from the demon poison and Will wouldn't have though it was his fault and run to the Institute in desperation, which means that it would have affected the Shadowhunters Chronicles greatly. I hope this shows just how much these demons and angels mattered to the Shadowhunter Chronicles timeline and the characters.